PREVIEW: Click on the image above to preview the first chapter
By Lynette Finch
Earth, Wind & Fire
A Family Epic
Six generations later, her descendants flee their farms in Ireland and join the diaspora, to Australia.
Six generations follow. On the goldfields in Victoria, a little boy is kidnapped. In western New South Wales, five children die in the desert. At Gallipoli, a young man is shot in the water.
None of them are ever forgotten.

Lynette Finch
Lynette grew up in country towns and moved to Brisbane where she completed a undergraduate degree in environmental science. Discovering she wasn’t a fan of vivisection or dirt under her fingernails, she switched to history and completed a PhD at the University of Queensland.
While studying, she started a small poster business called Mantis Prints, specializing in political posters during the odd days of the Bjelke-Petersen Government in Queensland.
Then came a long career as an academic and non-fiction author. Her books and articles cover the field of urban health and war propaganda.
She was Arts Fellow to Antarctica in the 2007/08 season, where she researched in the archives and the field for a biography about Antarctic surveyor and explorer Syd Kirkby.
The Rock is her first novel. The manuscript won second place in the 2020 Ink and Insights Apprenticeship category and was a top two finalist in the Judges Favourite competition.
Lynette is represented by Marcy Posner, Senior Vice President & Literary Agent, Folio Literary Management, in New York.
Lynette lives in the Hills District of northern Brisbane, with two cats and her husband Peter, who is a former Scenes of Crime officer with the Queensland Police.
Coming Soon: The Rock
With similarities to Jane Harper’s The Dry, and the television series Mystery Road, The Rock is set on a remote Australian island, where a dangerous storm is gathering and Constable Pender MacCorkindale, the strong-willed rookie of a three-person police force, answers a call to a murder.
High winds strand her sergeant on the mainland, and, during a bungled arrest, the senior constable is stabbed and left fighting for his life.
Overtired and inexperienced, Pender continues the investigation alone. As the evidence gathers, she suspects this is not the killer’s first crime.
Other Books by Lynette Finch
Fixing Antarctica
Mapping the Frozen South
Australia’s Frontline
Remembering the 1939-1945 War
The Classing Gaze
Sexuality, Class and Surveillance
Dark Angel
Propaganda in Modern Warfare